Understanding the time factors for Israel's exodus from Egypt is a critical point for establishing a correct chronology for the nation. It is for this reason that I consider the information on this page most important for establishing factual truth. Without knowing the correct month and year of Israel's exodus from Egypt then the entire chronology will be in error. After ten years of research I am confident I have found the correct month and year of Israel's exodus from Egypt. Most Christians have been erroneously taught that Israel's exodus from Egypt was close to the time of the spring equinox on March 20/21 about 1450 BC. However upon close examination of the time factors concerning the seventh plague when the flax and barley crops were destroyed, the month of February proves to be the correct month for the exodus. The tenth and final plague happened about seven days after the seventh plague. I place Israel's exodus date from Egypt on February 27/28th in 1559 BC. Unfortunetly most Christians are not yet aware that there are specific years in the history of Israel that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. This is why I Kings 6:1 tells us there was only 480 years (years of redemption), between the Exodus from Egypt until King Solomon's 4th year when temple construction began. In fact there was exactly 592 historical years between the Exodus until Solomon's 4th year when temple construction began. This fact is validated in Acts chapter 13 verses 16-22 where Paul discourses about the history of Israel being about 592 years. During the period of the Judges there was 6 periods of uncounted time totaling 111 years when Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and God punished Isreal for a total of 111 years while Israel was subject to enemy nations. There are a number of different factors from which I concluded Friday, February 27/28th as the Exodus date. Among those factors are the following:
The first Passover foreshadowed the coming Messiah's death and triumph over sin. The day of Jesus last supper with the disciples had to be Thursday evening for he was crucified on preparation day (Friday). After his betrayal by Judas it was cold (Peter warmed himself by the fire in the courtyard). I place the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday the fourteenth day of Nisan, February 21, in 31AD. Likewise the Israelites under Moses also partook of the first Passover on a Thursday evening with the Exodus following the next day, Friday, February 27, in 1559 BC.
In chapter 13 in the book of Acts the apostle Paul discourses to the people at Antioch about the history of Israel from the time they departed Egypt with Moses until the time of King David. The amount of time he gives is comparable to the 592 years given by Flavius Josephus who gives a figure of exactly 592 years from the Exodus out of Egypt until the fourth year of Solomon's reign when temple construction began in the second month. Although First Kings 6:1 tells us this same span of time was only 480 years from the Exodus until the fourth year of Solomon's reign it can be easily discerned that this verse is dealing with years of redemption and not historical years. Otherwise this apparent contradiction can be used by uninformed people to say the scriptures must be flawed. The gist of First Kings chapter six being the construction of Solomon's temple, a permanant residence where the atoning sacrificial services for the priesthood of the Levites could be performed daily, year after year.
Another major factor I use to establish the Exodus year is by showing Israel's chronology. I list every possible chronology year mentioned in the Bible. Because the chronology table is so long I have divided it into two tables.
Click this link to see srael's chronology from 1559 BC - 515 BC or....
Click this link to see Israel's chronology from 515 BC - 34 AD. The specific years God
does not count in His chronology of redemption have a common factor and that common factor is they were
years of judgment against Israel by God. From this we can see how the concept of punishment know as
'timeout' actually came from God. Concerning Israel's Old Testament Covenant there are three distinct periods of time that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. 1) God does not count the initial year of Israel's Exodus from Egypt in 1559 BC. The reason being is that the atonement money was not collected from the Israelites males over twenty years of age until the second month of the second year. Also, that entire first year was a unique year spent in preparing all the sacred articles and Levitical services related to the 'Law of Moses'. 2) God does not count the six judgment periods against Israel during the time of the Judges when Israel
did evil in the eyes of the LORD. Those six periods total 111 uncounted years in Israel's history. 3) God does not count the 217 consecutive years from 732 BC when Tiglath Pileser III invaded northern Israel and took three of the northern tribes captive. From 732 BC until the New Jerusalem Temple was completed in 516/515 BC either Israel and or Judah was in captivity to enemy nations and God does not count those years in His calendar of redemption. The second Jerusalem temple represented the New Covenant initially spoken about by Jeremiah in chapter 31.
Upon close examination of the time factors during the ten plagues against Egypt there was a passage of about 23 days from the day Moses first confronted Pharaoh until the tenth and final plague. The seventh plague of hail happened about a week before the tenth and final plague. During the seventh plague the flax and barley were struck, for the barley was in the head and the flax was in bud. But the wheat and the spelt were not struck for they are late crops. After reading the scholars commentaries about the timing of this seventh plague at Biblehub.com, almost all agreed the month of February is the month described when the condition of those crops in southern Israel match the Biblical description . It must be remembered that the growing conditions in northern Egypt and Israel are similar and these conditions should not be compared to the growing of flax and barley elsewhere on the planet.
The total years of Atonement/Redemption in my chronology add up to 1260 years. According to Revelation chapter twelve the man/child in this chapter was caught up to God and his throne then the woman fled into the wilderness where she was fed for 1260 days. This was not the ascension of Jesus but rather the exact length of Jesus ministry while in constant communion on earth with father God in heaven.
There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that this was the exact number of days in Jesus ministry from the day of his baptism by John in the Jordan River until the exact midpoint in the Feast of weeks in 31 AD. The exact midpoint was Tuesday morning, Nisan 18 at sunrise two days after Jesus resurrection which happened on Sunday Feb. 23, Nisan 16, in 31 AD (the Feast of First-fruits). The gospel of John bears witness to the start of Jesus ministry by showing a three day period between Christ baptism in the Jordan until his appearance at the wedding in Cana. The other three gospels show Jesus going out into the wilderness for forty days immediately after His baptism (selah). Between the two measures of time mentioned in this chapter, first the 1260 days and then the 1278 days (a time, times, and half a time) John heard a loud voice in heaven say "Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come". Those two measures of time comprise the seventieth and final week of Daniel's 490 year prophecy. The first-half of Daniel's 70th week being fulfilled by the 1260 day ministry of Jesus but the latter half of the seventieth week being fulfilled by the Holy Spirit (the Prince who is to come). Strongs concordance tells us this word 'prince' is to be used for honorable themes only. I find it amazing that most Christians interpet this word Prince to be a future 'anti-Christ'.