Welcome to the revised Elijah.com website--- A unique calendar based website that uses astronomical algorithms for the sun and moon to reveal Bible truths about the three calendars evident in the scriptures (a strictly Luna calendar, a strictly Solar calendar, and the fixed Hebrew calendar). The fixed Hebrew calendar is Luna/solar only in the respect that there is about a two hour difference between 19 solar years when compared to the 235 Luna months that comprise the 19 years of the fixed Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar is strictly Luna being composed of 12 normal Luna years of 12 months each and 7 leap years during which an additional leap month is added giving a total of 13 months during the seven leap years and a total of 235 Lunar months to complete each cycle. You will see compelling evidence showing exactly how these three different calendar systems govern the time-oriented prophecies found within the scriptures (Gen. 1:14-16). God does not use a 30 day prophetic calendar month such as the many false Christian teachers believe! Therefore if you've swallowed Robert Anderson's 173,880 day calendar deception fulfilling the first 69 weeks of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy then you have already been deceived! If you've ever wondered how God is able to predict events centuries before they manifest then you will find your answers in the pages of this website. After more than twelve years of research using the monthly Luna cycles of a Hebrew calendar based system named the Elijah calendar, I will soon post Elijah calendar videos that show exactly how prophecies such as Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy have already been completely fulfilled. I consider Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy the backbone of all Bible prophecy. I say this because this prophecy spans a total of 490 Jewish calendar years (not days) and predicts the exact start date (baptism) of Israel's Messiah and the exact endpoint of His human ministry. Along the way we also see how Jesus fulfilled certain Jewish festivals established in the word of God.The solar calendar aspects of Daniel's prophecy were implimented on the morning of the Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC, two months after Ezra and other captives had returned to Israel and Jerusalem. Ezra arrived with Levite Priests and much gold and silver and articles for the temple. "Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments." From the morning of the first day of the seventh month in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes we can clearly discern the starting point that begins Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. Exactly 483 solar years later (7 sevens & 62 sevens) Messiah the Prince was to appear in Israel. Revelation chapter 12 contains the time parameters that fulfill the last seven years of Daniel's prophecy (1260 days for the ministry of Jesus and 3.5 solar years written as a time, times, and half a time (1,278.3476 days) for the ministry of the Holy Spirit). However, most people don't recognize Revelation chapter 12 as being Daniel's 70th week. By not recognizing the two time parameters mentioned in Revelation chapter 12 as the two measures that perfectly fulfill the final seven years of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy has led to various reasons why most people have failed to understand how Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy has already been completely fulfilled. Reason 2. There are specific years within the history of Israel that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. The common factor among all these uncounted years is that they were years of judgement against Israel. Before the second temple was completed in february of 515 BC there were exactly 329 Jewish calendar years that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. The first uncounted year began when Israel's Exodus from Egypt took place on February 28 in 1559 BC. When that first uncounted year is added to the 111 years that Israel did evil in the sight of God during the period of the Judges, the total is 112 years of uncounted time. This undoubtedly is the reason Flavius Josephus tells us there was 592 years (historical years) from Israel's Exodus out of Egypt until the fourth year of King Solomon's reign when temple construction began. However I Kings 6:1 says there was only 480 years (redemption years) when temple construction began in the second month of King Solomon's reign. This adds up to 112 year difference between those two accounts. Later in Israel's history beginning in 732 BC, the nation of Assyria took three northern tribes captive and this resulted in 217 more consecutive years during which Israel and then Judah (Babylonian captivity) were subject to captivity. Israel's and Judah's captivity ended upon completion of the second temple in 515 BC. The second temple was a benchmark in time that represented the new covenant mentioned first in the book of Jeremiah. After the second temple was completed in February of 515 BC there was one and only one period of time that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. That period was the 2,300 evenings and mornings mentioned in Daniel's chapter eight vision. Like the other uncounted periods of time, the 2,300 evenings and mornings was likewise a period of judgement or wrath against Israel. However the 2,300 evenings and mornings are uncounted consecutive days that affect the 483 Jewish luna calendar years associated with the second decree given to Nehemiah during the 20th year of King Artaxerxes in Nisan 445 BC. Nehemiah must have departed Persia on what had to be the 24th day of Nisan in 445 BC. That very day marked the 91st Jewish calendar year anniversary since Daniel had his chapter 10 vision. When 483 average Luna calendar years (171,159.28515 days) are added to the morning of Nisan 24 (about 9:00 am) in 445 BC it brings the calculation to Heshvan 24 in the year 24 AD. However it must be remembered that God skips over the 2,300 evenings and mornings that transpired between the Feast of Trumpets when the Jewish civil year started in 170 BC until the 25th day of Kislev in 164 BC when the temple was cleansed ( a period of exactly 2,300 days on the Elijah calendar) purposely called evenings and mornings so that these days will NOT be interpreted as 2,300 years such as done by the Seventh Day Adventist. My Elijah calendar app did NOT skip over that period of uncounted time so therefore what I need to do is simply add 2,300 days to the 24th day of Heshvan in 24 AD. After I have done this it brings the calculation to about 3pm on Nisan 21 in 31AD. Nisan 21 was the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread in 31AD (a holy convocation to the LORD). I believe it was also on this very day that Jesus walked with the disciples to the mount of Olives where He commissioned them to be His witnesses then Jesus ascended into heaven sometine about sunset.
Unfortunately the Seventh Day Adventist have errouneously interpreted this amount of time to be 2,300 years but the original Hebrew clearly call them 2,300 evenings and mornings. Therefore God intended these to be consecutive days amounting to almost six and one half luna years of time. Reason 3 God uses both the Solar and Luna year calendars to pinpoint exact dates on His calendar of redemption and the only King that had two decrees that could pinpoint both solar and lunar aspects outlining Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy was the two decrees issued by King Artaxerxes. The solar aspects were implimented in the morning on the Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC (9-14-457 BC) but the Luna aspects were impliminted on the morning of Nisan 24, in 445 BC. Reason 4 Because Israel has a Mediterranean type of climate the winters are considered mild and therefore the month of Abib barley would usually occur from mid february thru mid March of our current Gregorian calendar. This is precisly what happened during Israel's Exodus in 1559 when they ate the initial Passover on Thursday eve and then departed Egypt on Friday, February 28 in 1559 BC. Likewise the final Passover celebrated by Jesus and His disciples also took place on the 14th day of the first month (thur/friday) Feburary 20th and 21st in 31 CE when Jesus was crucified. On the morning of Jesus betrayal it is much more likely that Peter would have warmed himself by the fire in february (it was cold) rather than in March or April.
I find it very significant when Ezra read the book of the Law on the Feast of Trumpets in 445 BC because this particular day is mentioned as 'holy to the Lord'. The inhabitants of Jerusalem were instructed not to weep but rather to be joyful and celebrate because this day is 'holy to the Lord'. In all of scripture this Feast day is the only day mentioned as 'holy to the Lord'. I believe the reason is because of the spiritual significance this day holds among the prophetic writings. It is certainly not that this day holds more prominance than the Passover but this particular feast day not only begins the solar calculations for Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy in 457 BC but it also ends Daniel's 70-weeks propecy exactly 490 Jewish calendar years later on this same Feast day of Trumpets in 34 AD.
Jesus said "In the last days there would be many false teachers", and that statement is especially true concerning what is currently taught about specific prophecies such as Daniel's 70-weeks. The many false teachers erroneously believe that Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy has a future fulfillment (including a 2,000 year gap of time) when in fact this prophecy has already been completely fulfilled! These same false teachers use what they call a prophetic 360 day calendar of twelve months each having 30 days (the 360 day calendar deception). The new Elijah calendar now online demonstrates with many calendar examples that show the absolute precision of the Jewish Luna based calendar. The Jewish calendar used in the Bible is based on 12 month Luna cycles but 7 leap months are added during 19 solar years that comprise the cycle of the calendar. Another important aspect about the Jewish calendar that must be understood is the correct placement of the 7 leap months that comprise the seven, thirteen month leap years. Hillel's seven leap months in years 3,6,8,11,14,17,19 simply does not work and I know this because his calendar misses some of the most important prophecy benchmarks in time. However the New Elijah calendar (click here) lands on every prophetic benchmark. I also expose the wicked 360 day calendar deception for what it is, 'a Satanic lie' that has already tripped up countless Christian teachers. Unfortunately many millions of Christians have already swallowed the lie of this deception first introduced in the late 1800's and then further promoted by Sir Robert Anderson in his book 'The Coming Prince'. These deceived Christians believe the Prince introduced in Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 is the Anti-Christ when in fact it is a reference to the Holy Spirit (It doesn't get any more contradictory than this). The exact same Hebrew word used in verse 25 for Prince is also used in verse 26. According to Strong's concordance this word Prince denotes only honorable themes. Jesus was cut off in the middle of the week of Unleavened Bread in 31 AD. The second Prince mentioned is undobtedly a reference to the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact I will show that Revelation chapter twelve is indeed Daniel's 70th week. The two numbers given in Revelation chapter twelve comprise the final seven years of Daniel's 490 year prophecy. The 1260 days mentioned first is the exact number of days from the day of Jesus baptism in the Jordan River by John until two days after His resurrection on Nisan 16 (Feast of First-fruits) when the endpoint of Jesus human ministry fell on Tuesday morning Nisan 18 which also happened to be the exact midpoint during the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread in 31 AD. After His resurrection Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene early in the morning. Later that same Sunday Jesus walked along the road to Emmaus with two disciples and He explained His sufferings while expounding the scriptures to them. After Jesus blessed and broke bread with those two disciples He disappeared from thier presence. Instantly, the two disciples suddenly realized that it was Jesus they had been listening to as they walked to Emmaus. They excitedly returned to Jerusalem and shared their experience with the other disciples telling them the Lord has indeed risen.
It was now about sunset and the third day of the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread was about to begin (Nisan 17). Although the scriptures don't specifically tell us it is entirely possible Jesus spent the next 36 hours explaining how His present suffering was necessary payment for the sins of the world and the glory that would follow. Just as He did with the two on the road to Emmaus, likewise Jesus would have shared how He fulfilled the scriptures from Genesis thru the Old testament writings including all the prophets. Having to explain this to the apostles and anyone else present in the room where they had been meeting would have taken a considerable amount of time with many questions and answers.
Then according to John's account Jesus again appeared to the disciples and this happened 8 days after the crucifixion thereby making this the 21st day of Nisan and final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (see John 20:26). It appears that after Jesus' second appearance to his disciple he then led them to the mount of olives where He ascended to heaven. The 21st day of Nisan also happened to be exactly 483 Luna calendar years from the 'going forth date' of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. That second decree, the Luna decree, was given to Nehemiah by King Artaxerxes in the month of Nisan in 445 BC. However the departure date of Nehemiah is not mentioned but logic and reason suggest it would take some planning before departing Babylon. The departure date I use for Nehemiah leaving Babylon with the second decree was on the twenty-fourth day of Nisan. Exactly 483 Luna years later this decree was fulfilled when the church was commissioned on the mount of Olives near Bethany. From the commission of the church on Nisan 21 another three and one half years remained for the Jewish only part of the commission to be fulfilled. That 3.5 year period lasted exactly 3.5 solar years or 1,278.3476 days, also called a time, times, and half a time in Revelation chapter 12. It was fulfilled on the Feast of Trumpets in 34 AD. The third and final time Jesus made a visible appearance to the disciples is found only in the gospel of John (chapter 21). Jesus showed hiuself to seven of the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias. Among those seven were Simon Peter, Nathanael, Thomas called the Twin, the two sons of Zebedee (James & John) and two other unnamed disciples. Peter decided to go fishing and all the others likewise accompanied him but they caught nothing all night. But when morning had come Jesus stood on the shore and asked them if they had caught any fish. They answered no and Jesus told them to cast the net on the right side of the boat and they would find some. They cast the net on the right side and caught 153 fish which Peter dragged to shore. The apostle John reckonized it was the Lord and said "It is the Lord". Jesus had already prepared cooked fish and bread so they ate. It was during this encounter that Peter was restored and recommited to Jesus. One curious aspect of this account is the fact that 153 fish were caught and then counted. It is my personal opinion that this event happened on the Day of Atonement in the year 31 AD. It was exactly 153 days between the Day of Pentacost when Peter had quoted Joel the prophet and three thousand people were baptised with the Holy Spirit. At this point in time it seems Peter had forgotten about the great commision and reverted back to fishing but Jesus was there to remind him by asking "do you love me more then these (fish)?
By using the interactive Elijah calendar anyone has the ability to check the accuracy of this calendar system. If the typed explantion seems somewhat confusing the calendar videos and other webpages will help to clarify the three calendar system dates. On this website You can watch calendar videos that demonstrate exactly
how Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy has already been completely fulfilled.The first temple, Solomon's temple, represented the Law of Moses but the second temple represents the New Covenant of Grace that in due time was fufilled by Israel's Messiah Jesus Christ.
What sets this website apart from what I believe are many false teachings is not only how I interpret verse 26 in Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy but how I also include verse 23 in Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. It is critical to understand that verse 23 is very much a part of Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy. Verse 23 states; Daniel 9:23 (NKJV) "At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision". Unlike the Seventh Day Adventist, I do not interpret the 2,300 evenings and mornings of Daniel's chapter 8 vision as 2,300 years but rather as 2,300 uncounted Luna days. The 2,300 uncounted days began on Tishri 1 in 170 BC at the start of the Hebrew civil year (Feast of Trumpets) and end exactly 2,300 days later on the 25th day of Kislev in 164 BC when the new altar of sacrifice was dedicated. This measurment of time can not be done on Hillel's Hebrew calendar because his leap months are not correctly intercalated. However it works perfectly with the elijah calendar. Those 2,300 days beginning in 170 BC were a period of wrath from God against the Jewish people, Jerusalem, and it's temple. Regarding verse 26 in Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy it is also critical to understand who is the subject of verse 26 where it mentions 'the Prince who is to come'. Almost unanamously most Protestant people interpret this Prince as the Anti-Christ but this is not the correct intrepretation! The Hebrew word used is Prince, word 5057 in Strong's Concordance. It is used only seven times in the Old Testament. However this word denotes honorable themes for its usage. I suppose the reason most people believe this should be the Anti-Christ is because the mid section of this verse tells us He shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Naturally I suppose most would think this is correct but I recall the words of God to Solomon regarding the people he governed and the temple he built when God appeared and spoke to him in his second dream. God told Solomon that He would establish his throne forever if he walked in integrity like his father David. However God also warned Solomon saying; I Kings 9:6-8 (KJV) 6"But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them:7 Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people:
8 And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house?
Jesus also warned the scribes and Pharisees when they demanded a 'sign' from him concerning his claim to deity. Although Jesus was reluctant to give them a sign he told them; "For as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation, (Luke 11:30, KJV). In the city of Nineveh Jonah preached "40 more days and the city would be destroyed" but the people of Nineveh repented. However 40 Luna years (day/year principle applied) from Jesus crucifixion in 31 AD, the Roman army besieged Jerusalem in 69/70 AD and the second temple was also destroyed.
God, being no respecter of people is also no respecter of places. The second Jerusalem temple likewise suffered the same fate as the first temple.