About this calendar: After ten years of research it can be demonstrated and proven that Hillel’s Hebrew calendar is not properly intercalated nor in sync with the same lunar/solar calendar given to Moses by God. The purpose of this calendar is to provide the Body of Christ with a scientific means whereby anyone can research all past, present, and future dates for comparison to established dates found within the Bible. It employs the Julian day number system that is used by modern day astronomers. It is composed of two solar calendars (Julian & Gregorian) and two Hebrew-lunar/solar calendars (Hillel’s & Elijah’s). On this website app Hillel's calendar is called the 'Hebrew' calendar while the Elijah calendar is self named.
At the epoch of the Gregorian calendar ten days were dropped from the Julian calendar. Thursday Oct 4th in 1582 was followed by Friday, Oct. 15th in 1582. Although ten days were dropped from the Julian calendar it is important to note that the sequence of the weekday was never interrupted. This allows the two solar calendars to be programmed long before their epoch dates. Most Americans usually think in terms of the Gregorian calendar. Therefore if one knows the specific year of an event or the reign of a king then one can type in such a date and research and compare the dates of the two Hebrew calendars. Note: Because this calendar system is meant to be a historically accurate account of time there is no use of year ‘zero’. This fact must be noted if one compares the JDN (Julian Day Number) to other JDN calendars on the internet (usually a one year difference on BC dates).
The Julian day number system is one method still used by modern day astronomers to research any point in time (past, present, or future). The system assigns an integer for every day past and future. The decimal places to the right of the interger represent the current time based on a 24 hour period. The 24 hour clock aspect of this calendar begins at noon-time and tracks the seconds, minutes, and hours in a decimal format. The Julian day number system has its beginning at Julian calendar date BC 4713-1-1 where it begins at noon-time (JDN = 0.00000).
The Elijah calendar is unique among Hebrew Calendars. It is based on the conjunction times of the moon and not the first visible sighting. One reason I believe the conjuction time is the correct time for the beginning of months is because we see a one day difference between the Passover meal celebrated by Jesus compared to that which was celebrated by the Pharisees. Another major difference about the Elijah calendar is the initial Passover is shown to begin in February and not
March or April like many others believe. The name February come from the Latin Februarius meaning 'to purify'. The Romans had a celebration in the month of February to focus on righteous living. On this website I not only show How both the initial Passover in Egypt and the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus took place in the month of February. The only way this is possible is with a correctly intercalated calendar. Another major difference is the placement of the seven leap months. I place the leap months after the month Elul (currently the sixth month of the calendar) but the Hillel calendar places the leap months after the month Adar (currently the 12th month). The reason I believe the leap months are placed after Elul is because the month Elul was the last month on the ancient Hebrew calendar that was in use prior to the time the months were renumbered by Moses. According to the writings of Josephus, we are told that the ancients were commended by God for their knowledge of math and astromomy. When the ancients lived 900 plus years they had much time to study the movement of the heavens. It is my personal opinion that they mastered the 19 year solar cycle credited to Meton and known as the Metonic cycle. This cycle consist of 235 Lunar months and there is only a two hour difference between 19 solar years when compared to 235 Lunar months. In order to keep the Lunar year in alignment with the solar year then 7 leap months were added during the 19 years of the cycle. I believe the ancients used a fixed calendar system with leap months in the following years of the 19 year cycle; years 3,6,7,9,11,14,17,19. Years 6 and 7 would continually alternate throughout the entire cycle of the calendar. The leap years would therefore look like this (3,6,9,11,14,17,19) followed by (3,7,9,11,14,17,19). These two cycles of years would continually alternate throughout the entire cycle of the calendar. The key to understanding this entire calendar is to know that leap years 6 and 7 were based on doubling the 19 year cycle so that it then became a 38 year cycle for only these two leap years. On the website videos it will be shown that God does nothing apart from His seven appointed Feast days. All Bible prophecy will either start or end on one of the Lord's designated feast days.
How to use the calendar - To find any date past, present or future enter the date you desire by first deleting the currently displayed Gregorian date or Julian date. For simplicity the Gregorian calendar should be used to find Common Era dates unless you know a specific Julian calendar date. Place the cursor in the data entry area to the right of Gregorian or Julian then delete the current date and time which appears by default when the program is opened. Next, enter any date you desire in the number format yyyy/mm/dd. Then press either of the arrow keys. The arrow key on the right goes foward in time while the arrow key on the left goes back in time. When entering a BC date one must type and capitalize BC, skip a space, and then enter the desired date in the format, BC yyyy/mm/dd. The corresponding dates of the other calendars will appear after one of the arrow keys in pressed. One can move forward or backward in time by selecting tropical years, synodic months, civil days, hours, minutes, or seconds and then enter a value amount in the data entry box then press the back arrow or forward arrow.
This latest version contains a selection box for year 17/19 in the cycle which allows one to add a leap month before the month Adar (when checked) or 6 months later after Elul if left unchecked.
This unique calendar is based upon the Julian day number system (not to be confused with the Julian calendar).
Elijah.com © 2011