Before I begin to explain the truth about Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy the reader should understand why I have one great advantage over most readers of Bible prophecy. I have taken advantage of the information age by creating a customized digital calendar, the Elijah Calendar. This calendar shows both Luna & solar cycles going foward or backward in years, months, days, hours, minutes and even seconds at a time. This unique calendar system is based on the Julian day number system which is a method of tracking time and still used by modern day astronomers. I have used this calendar for over fifteen years doing research on various aspects of time related to Bible prophecy. I felt the need for a calendar system based on the known average lengths of both the solar and Luna years (365.24219 & 354.36705 days/year). This need stemmed from my understanding of the judgement during Noah's flood. Noah's flood started on the 17th day of the second month and the earth was completly dry on the 27th day of the same month in the following year (Genesis 8:14). This was clearly a 365 day period of time based on the Luna calendar. However most Christians have been erroneously taught that God uses a 360 day calendar, all months being 30 days in length. One of the reasons for this deception is because we are told Noah's flood started on the 17th day of the second month and the Ark came to rest on the 17th day of the 7th month, a period lasting 150 days. Therefore each month must have 30 days 150/5.. However there are NOT five but six months involved in this calculation with the first and last months being only partial months. One can't simply divide 150 days by 5 months to get the average aount of days in each month, Another aspect of time that I believed needed attention was the timing of the barley harvest during the first month Abib, later known as the month of Nisan after the Babylonian captivity. When Jesus was betrayed after Passover we are told it was cold and people were warming themselves by the the fires. The first Hebrew month was named after a stage of ripening transpired for the barley crop. The barley crop was one of the first of the grain crops to ripen however it was not to be harvested until a certain amount called a sheaf was presented to the priest who would then wave the sheaf before the Lord thereby aknowledging God as provider. This annual statute always happened on the day after the Sabbath during the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. Because Israel has a mediterranean type of climate the winters are considered mild and wet whereas the summers are hot and dry. The average temperture for Jerusalem during the month of February is 56 degrees however I am only concerned with the later half of the month, namely days 14-28. It is my personal opinion that the first fruits of the barly harvest would begin sometime within this month-long period from february 14th thru march 14th. The Elijah calendar proves beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit have completely fulfilled the final seven years of Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy.
There are specific periods of time within the history of Israel that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. From the Exodus out of Egypt until the completion of the second temple in 515 BC there was a total of 329 uncounted years during the history of Israel. The common thread among those years is that Israel acted in rebellion against God. The Elijah calendar is unique because it places the timing of the first month Abib (Nisan) in it's correct position. It therefor shows the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday, February 21st in 31 AD.
Shortly before Jesus ascended to heaven the disciples ask him "will you at this time restrore the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus answered: " it's not for you to know the times or seasons which the father has put in His own authority." If it wasn't for them to know the times and seasons then it certainly must have been for us who currently live in the information age. We have access to vast amounts of information and yet most Christians have already been deceived believing God uses a prophetic calendar of 360 days per year with each month being 30 days in length. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. God uses the exact average length of both the Solar and Lunar years to measure time (Genesis 1:14). The judgement of Noah's flood lasted for one solar year. The flood started on the 17th day of the second month but the earth was completely dry on the 27th day of the second month in the following year, a measure of 365 days (Genesis 8:14).
The reason for such a great deception is because the average Christian is not familiar with the Lord's principles of time regarding prophecy. Among one of the most basic and important principles is the fact that there are very specific years in Israel's history that God does not count in His calendar of redemption. Isaiah
55:8S (KJV) succinctly puts it this way "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD)". This is especially true regarding the subject of Bible prophecy. From the Israelites exodus out of Egypt until the completion of the second temple there was exactly 329 uncounted historical years that GOD does not count in His calendar of redemption . God does not count the year Israel exited Egypt. Nor does God count the six periods of time totaling 111 years during the time of the Judges when Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. Then in 732 BC the Assyrians took three of the northern tribes captive and completed the captivity over the next ten years. From 732 until the new Jerusalem temple was completed Israel and then Judah was taken captive for 217 consecutive years.When all these captivity years are added up they total 329 total years that GOD does not count in His calendar of redemption, However God does count exactly 1260 days in His calendar of redemption (see Revelation chapter 12). Revelation chapter 12 gives the exact time parameters for Daniel's 70th and final week of prophecy. The first number, 1260 was the exact length of days from the day of Jesus human baptism by John until the exact midpoint during the Feast of Unleavened Bread in 31 AD. The second number termed a time, times, and half a time is equal to 1,278.3476 days based on the average length of the solar year (365.24219 x 3.5). This was the length of the ministry of the Holy Spirit starting at sunset beginning Nisan 22, in 31 AD until the Feast of Trumpets on Tishri 1 in 34 AD, a measure of exactly 1,278.3476 days thereby perfectly fulfilling Daneil's 70 weeks prophecy.
Daniel’s seventy-weeks prophecy outlines the time parameters that began and ended Israel’s seven year covenant with their Messiah. The two decrees issued by King Artaxerxes act as benchmarks in time that form an outline for both the solar & lunar aspects seen in the respective decrees, the first given to Ezra in 457 BC and the second given to Nehemiah in 445 BC. The separate aspects of the two decrees outline exactly when Jesus Christ fulfilled his covenant as Israel’s promised Messiah. The Messiah’s 7 year covenant with Israel likewise had 2 very specific amounts of time. Jesus Christ human ministry lasted for exactly 1260 days with each day representing one year of redemption for Israel. Jesus resurrection happened on Sunday Nisan 16 (Feast of First-fruits, Feb. 23rd, in 31AD) It was near the end of First-fruits (day 1258), Sunday eve before sunset when Jesus first appeared to the ten disciples after His resurrection,(Judas dead & Thomas absent) and said "Peace be unto you: as my father hath sent me, even so send I you. After saying this Jesus then breathed on them and said unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them: and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." Day 1260 of Jesus ministry fell at the very midpoint during the seven day festival of Unleavened Bread. It was sunset and the 17th day of Unleavened Bread was about to begin. Although there is no specific mention of Jesus on day 17 or 18 of Unleavend Bread it is very likely He spent the next 36 hours as he opened the scriptures to the disciples with whom he lived for the past three and one half years. Jesus ministry ended on Tuesday morning at sunrise on Nisan 18 in 31 AD. Jesus thereby put an end to sacrifice and offering in the middle of the week, exactly as stated in verse 27 of Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy. However, the Holy Spirit ministry of Israel’s Messiah did not officially begin until sunset when the 21st and final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread ended. I believe it was at this point in time when Jesus, according to the gospel of John, again appeared to his disciples after eight days, (measuring from the day of the crucifixion). However, this time Thomas was present with the ten other disciples. Jesus chastised Thomas for his unbelief but certainly convinced him of His Diety. This had to be the 21st and final day of the week-long Feast of Unleavened Bread. It is also my opinion that Jesus ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives about sunset as the final day of the feast was ending The gospels of Mark and Luke bear witness to this in the language used. Luke: 24:50-51, "And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.
The ministry of the Holy Spirit lasted for exactly a time, times & half a time or 1278.3476 solar days (365.24219 x 3.5). After the Holy Spirit ministered for exactly 1.278.3476 days, the Spirits' ininstry ended on the Feast of Trumpets in 34 AD thereby fulfilling Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy exactly.
The Messiah’s two distinct aspects of time comprising His seven year covenant with Israel are found in chapter twelve in the book of Revelation.
Chapter 12 in the book of Revelation presents a symbolic word picture of Israel’s redemption that was promised through their Messiah. The birth of the male child obviously represents the birth and infancy of the Messiah Jesus. It was the Holy Spirit who impregnated Mary the mother of Jesus and also continually cared for the safety of this peculiar 'son'. It was King Herod who tried to kill Jesus when he slaughtered all infants under two years of age in Bethlehem and the surrounding districts. In verse five we read: She bore a male son who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her son (child) was caught up to God and His throne.The Greek dictionary word for son is # 5207 and it is often translated in this verse as child but the better translation is the word 'son'. It was the womans' grown son, who at about 30 years of age was caught up to God and His throne on the very day Jesus was baptised in the Jordan River. "Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there for 1,260 days". This specific period of time lasting 1,260 days was indeed the exact length of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus ministry started on the day of His baptism in the Jordan River by John the baptist. Jesus baptism was three days before the Feast of Trumpets in 27 AD. Jesus baptism was exactly 483 solar years from the restoration point which began on the morning of the Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC. It was on the Feast of Trumpets when Jesus attended the wedding at Cana in Galilee and He worked His first miracle changing the water into wine. Jesus human ministry ended two days after His resurrection on Nisan 16, in 31 AD (the Feast of First-fruits). Jesus put an end to sacrifice and offering on tuesday morning Nisan 18, the exact midpoint of the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread in 31 AD.
In Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy God uses the sun and moon to fulfill the Messiah's seven year covenant via three calendar systems. Namely, God begins the solar calculation on the Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC after Ezra returned to Jerusalem. Ezra departed Persia on the first day of the first month and arrived in Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month. Ezra's decree, the lengthiest, had provisions for restoring up to 100 talents of silver (the amount used for the foundation of Moses wilderness tabernacle). After settling in Jerusalem, Ezra and the returned remnant would not have been able to celebrate any of the LORDS' designated Feasts days until the first day of the seventh month, the Feast of Trumpets (now called Rosh Hashana). The Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC marks the restoration point mentioned in Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy. Verse 25 states: Daniel 9:25 "Know therefore and understand, from the going forth of the decree to restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks, (483 solar years), the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times." Although King Artaxerxes sent two decrees,the first with Ezra and the second with Nehemiah, both went forth to accomplish Gods' purpose of 1) restoring and 2) rebuilding Jerusalem. The restoration point for the solar decree is firmly established as Tishri 1(Sept. 14th) in 457 BC. Although we are not given a specific day when Nehemiah departed Persia there is only one day during Nisan in King Artaxerxes 20th year that will perfectly fulfill the Luna aspects of this prophecy. That very day was the 24th day of Nisan in 445 BC. It was on that same 24th day of Nisan in 536 BC that Daniel had his chapter 10 vision of the man in linen (Jesus). In Nehemiah chapter two wine was given to the king, the resulting decree given by King Artaxerxes was given to Nehemiah in the month of Nisan. It seems reasonable that Nehemiah must have spent at least a couple weeks preparing to depart for the long journey to Jerusalem. I believe Nehemiah departed Babylon on the 24th day of the first month (Nisan 24). This 24th day of Nisan also marked exactly 91 Hebrew calendar years from the very day Daniel had a vision of the man in linen (Daniel chapter 10). Nehemiah was given an armed escort with letters detailing provisions that were to be granted by governors of the region for rebuilding Jerusalem. We also know from the text in the book of Nehemiah, after they arrived in Jerusalem and began building it took them only 52 days to complete the wall. It was finished on the 25th day of Elul (the 6th month). This means Nehemiah had almost 3 months travel time on horseback to cover the 900 mile journey. This averages out to about 10 miles per day and was surely a reasonable amount of time to make that journey. After the wall was completed on Elul 25 all the people of Judah and Jerusalem gathered together on the first day of the seventh month as one man in the open square near the water gate. Ezra the scribe read the book of the Law of Moses before all the people. The people understood the words read to them and all wept but the leaders told them do not weep for 'this day is holy to the Lord'. Twelve years earlier the decree marking the solar aspects of Daniel's 70 weeks went forth with Ezra and in this present year (445 BC) Nehemiah arrived with the decree marking the Luna aspect of Daniel's 70-weeks prophecy. The Luna and solar years are independent of each other but the Jewish calendar uses additional leap months on the Luna calendar to stay aligned with the seasons during the solar year. The summation of the three calendars looks like this: Exactly 483 solar years from the restoration point of Ezra's first decree starting at the Feast of Trumpets in 457 BC the Messiah of Israel appeared to the Jewish nation on Elul II 28, Tuesday, September 14, in 27 AD exactly three days before the Feast of Trumpets. Measuring 490 Jewish calendar years from that same solar restoration point, Daniel's seventy weeks prophecy was fulfilled on the Feast of Trumpet in 34 AD. Measuring exactly 483 Luna calendar years from the rebuilding point starting on Nisan 24, the 24th day of the first month when Nehemiah departed Persia for Jerusalem, 483 Luna calendar years expired on Kislev 24 (Nov. 11th in 24 AD). However, when one takes into account the 2300 days of defilement concerning Jerusalem and mentioned in Daniel chapter 8 it must be understood that God does not count these 2300 days in His Lunar calculation (It's like God skips over this period of time). Those 2300 days transpired beginning at The Feast of Trumpets starting the Jewish Civil year 170 BC until the 25th day of Elul in 164 BC, a measure of exactly 2300 evenings and mornings (days). during the reign of Antiochus IV. These days are uncounted because Jerusalem and its' temple was defiled for 2300 days and God does not count then in His calendar of redemption. However by adding another 2300 days to the Nov. 24th endpoint it brings the calculation to February 28 in 31 AD, the final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 21, Friday, February 28 in 31 AD). Jesus first appeared to the women at the empty tomb on Nisan 16, Sunday, the day of His resurrection and also later that same day at evening to his disciples when the 17th day was about to begin at sunset. He showed himself to the disciples in the locked room where they had gathered together on the third day after his crucifixion.
Showing himself alive as the risen Lord, Jesus put an end to sacrifice and offering not only in the middle of the week of Unleavened Bread but it was also near the middle of the final seven years.